Thursday, January 14, 2010

Business Leaders I Admire

I can sit here all day discussing all the business leaders I admire, but if I had to single them out, Donald Trump would definitely be a name to be mentioned. In my opinion, he DEFINES the word “time management”. I have read about his life story many times and I still continue to be fascinated with the amount of accomplishments he has had in his career. Just take a look at all the property that he currently owns:

There are a large number of qualities that he possesses that I am working on mastering, specifically his communication ability. To summarize it in a nutshell: when Trump speaks, people listen. I am a 100% convinced that he would not be as successful as he is today without the ability to communicate and create a big picture. This is why he has closed some impossible deals, as well as portrayed the Trump luxurious lifestyle to be something that the majority desires.

With that being said, I don’t think I can end this note without mentioning Richard Branson as another leader that I highly admire. Although, I can assure you right now that I am not the only one that would say this when you look at his golden ability to build great relationships with everyone and treating his employees as family.

If the world’s first computer was built today, and we were told that we would have a seizure for looking into the screen, and would have arthritis for typing on the keyboard, you can bet that everyone would be backing away from the technology and trying to shut it down for good. Not Richard Branson! Branson is dominant and takes high risk whenever he sees the opportunity to improve his business.

Donald Trump and Richard Branson are often compared with each other, as leaders in the industry. It is fair to say that their leadership styles are fairly different from each other, but it would be arrogant to not consider qualities of both leaders in order to find out what would work best for you. If anything, I think what we can also take out if this is that: there is not only ONE WAY to become a successful business leader in the industry, and that there are several ways to get the upper hand in the industry and accomplish your goals.

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