Thursday, January 21, 2010

Employment History

When I think back many years about all the places I worked, I noticed a few things. Firstly, I realized that I didn't really have any expectations for a specific wage or the type of job when I first started looking for a job.

My first job was with The Toronto Star, my brother already worked there and decided to pass the torch down to me because he was hired for another occupation. I never considered the fact that running from house-to-house on a cold winter day throwing newspapers for $6 an hour was a bad concept. The only thing that mattered was that my bank account was actually filling up with a positive number.

It was when I started comparing wages with other jobs did I realize that I was just above the border line for child labour! I immediately quit and got a job working at a Tim Horton's. Although the wage wasn't too great either, I really enjoyed working there because I made some great friends and I also started developing a passion for what I wanted to do in the future. I was fascinated by the system created to operation a Tim Horton's store, and I also realized that I LOVED working and communicationg with people.

I can honestly say that I stayed at Tim Horton's for a long time...maybe too long! I immediately started sweeping floors and cleaning garbage cans, but eventually became a supervisor for that location. When I found out about another opportunity to work with people, I jumped on it immediately. I had a friend approach me about a network marketing company that involves doing presentations and meeting people, while earning commision for each sale every single month. This seemed like something I was looking for all my life so I didn't even hestiate to get involved.

I am always open to looking for job positions that involve working with people and meeting people. What is your passsion when you are job hunting?

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