Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Business Process at Tim Horton's

After being involved in a lecture about "business processes" I started to think about a business process that I have been involved with. The first thing that came to mind was my previous job at Tim Horton's. The business process behind it involves many aspects:

For example, when a customer comes up to the cash register and orders a donut, he/she is exchanging a payment for the product that they receive (donut).

Now let's follow that transaction and see where it goes: the cash register then sends that information to the inventory database as "quantity sold" and also take away the quantity from the physical inventory.

What happens to the information that is sent to the inventory database? Well, the remaining quantity on hand is then sent to the purchaser so that they can make a purchase order to the supplier. The supplier will then ship the goods to the receiving (who then fills up the phyiscal inventory), and also sends an invoice to the accounts payable. The accounts payable job is simply to receive a notifcation of goods received (from the receiving) and to make a payment for the supplier's invoice. What a system!

So the next time you visit a Tim Horton's and purchase a coffee or donut, think about the process your purchase goes through, and maybe even how many people you force to work with your purchase!

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