Thursday, January 21, 2010

Everyday Information Systems!

After spending a class learning about “Information System” (a group of components that interact to product information), I started to realize that there are a number of activities we do each day that fall under the “Information System” category, without even realizing it.

First, take into consideration the five components that create the information system (IS: hardware, software, data, process, and people.

First thing in the morning, I have a habit of waking up and immediately hop on the laptop and checking my emails. Little did I realize, I was instantly involved in an IS. The hardware is the laptop, the software is Microsoft Windows, or the Hotmail website (, the data is the emails that I have received, the process is when I physically checking my emails, and the people involves myself and the person who sent me the email.

Let's continue our day, on my way to school I will always ensure that I take my iPod with me to keep me entertained on my way to school. The hardware is the physical iPod, the software would be iTunes and the actual music player inside of the iPod, the data would be the songs that I am listening to, the process would include me physically listening to my music, and the people would involve myself and the artists who have recorded the music for me to listen to.

One final major IS that I use on a daily basis is my favourite little BlackBerry Curve. I am a cellphone addict and you will never catch me without the possession of one. The hardware is the physical blackberry phone, the software is the blackberry's programs that I use within the phone, the data is the phone calls (or text messages) I receive through my phone, the process is my speaking on the phone, or reading/responding to text messages, and the people involve myself and the people I am talking/texting on a daily basis.

There are many information systems that we use on a daily basis and these are just a few examples of the major ones I use every single day (and I MEAN every single day!). Can you name some that you use in a 24-hour cycle?

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